Antibody-drug conjugates for T cell cancers
Our latest publication detailing the development of antibody-drug conjugates for the treatment of T cell leukemias and lymphomas.
​Nature 2024

Bispecific antibodies for T cell cancers
Our study detailing the development of bispecific antibodies that selectively kill T cell cancers and do not harm the normal human T cells.
​Science Translational Medicine 2021

Antibody targeting cancers with p53 mutation
​Mutations in p53 tumor suppression gene leads to cancer. We generated an antibody that specifically kills the cancer cells carrying the mutant p53 protein.
​Science 2021

Antibodies targeting cancers with RAS mutations
​​Mutations in RAS oncogene lead to cancer. We generated an antibody that specifically kills the cancer cells carrying the mutant p53 protein.
Science Immunology 2021
In the news
Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center
Lymphoma Division
CAR T cell Program
Bone Marrow Transplant Program
Suman Paul Faculty Profile
1650 Orleans Street, CRB1, Room 3M90, Baltimore, MD 21287
Research Support